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Women's History Month

Sweet Magnolia believes Health and Wellness are essential to building our communities. If the fact that the United States has the highest maternal and infant mortality rates among comparable developed countries is not bad enough, the survival rates for African American mothers and their infants are even more dismal.

African American women across the income spectrum and from all walks of life are dying from preventable pregnancy-related complications at three to four times the rate of non-Hispanic white women, while the death rate for black infants is twice that of infants born to non-Hispanic white mothers.
28th Annual March of Dimes Shamrock Run 5K

Kick off the St. Patrick's Day festivities in Savannah by joining us for the 28th annual March of Dimes Shamrock Run 5K! The Shamrock Run is fun for all ages and includes a Kids Run prior to the start of the 5K. Costumes are encouraged and four-legged (canine) friends are always welcome! Music, entertainment, gift card prizes, a costume contest, and adult beverages round out the festivities.


Proceeds from the Shamrock Run benefit the mission of March of Dimes to improve the health of babies and moms. March of Dimes carries out its mission through programs of research, community services, education, and advocacy.


Leader: Today, O God, we honor Black women—carriers and cultivators of culture. In a lush African garden, your hands fashioned her as Mother of Creation. Bless her now as she continues to pass culture on to future generations.


Together: Thank you for Black women. Black women blesses the earth


Leader: We remember some of the African queens: Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, Makeda, Nzingha, and Yaa Asantewa. Through the centuries they grew in wisdom and strength. Fertile minds were formed at their knee. They nurtured kingdoms as queen rulers of mighty nations. Bless Black women now, as they continue to educate and lead their people.


Together: Strengthen Black women. The genius of Black women enriches the earth.


Leader: We remember Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Pauli Murray, and Rosa Parks. The Black woman was treated as property during enslavement and the Middle Passage. Yet she survived and her vision of freedom ignited a determination to struggle for human and civil rights. Bless Black women now, as they fight against injustice through strategies for hope, survival, and advancement.


Together: Empower Black women. The bravery of Black women ennobles the earth.


Leader: We remember Augusta Savage, Katherine Dunham, Marian Anderson, Mahalia Jackson, and Meta Warrick Fuller. They birthed Black literacy and artistic traditions. Through autobiography, quilts, sculpture, dance, song, and poetry, the once-muffled voices of black women ring clear with creative power. Bless them now, as their moans and hums, whispers, and shouts make our land beautiful.


Together: Inspire Black women. The beauty of Black women adorns the earth.


Leader: We remember Rahab, Zapporah, Jarena Lee, Julia Foote, and Zilpha Elaw. Black women prayed and preached, healed, and helped faithfully at all times. As prayer warriors, they knew how to trust you, O God, especially in times of trouble. Their triumph has sparked fire in our souls.


Together: May the light that radiates from you today cast beautiful patterns on our lives through the Black women in our life. We rejoice now, God, with Black women everywhere. Thank you, Lord. The work of Black women, many times stolen or without equal pay or even gratitude, blesses the earth.


For the last shall be first and the first last - Matthew 20:16



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